I'm sick of living in my country.
All the people and their behaviors.
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being silence doesn't mean having nothing to speak.
many reasons for someone being silence. No, shame isn't the reason one.
sometimes you're tired to speak the truth, the reality. No one or few people accept even respect about what you're saying though it's true.
facing this situation for a long time is something not only boring, but also exhausting.
they all assume but don't try to find out the reality.
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She's me. ;D

i was a fat toddler. X)
as i found this picture, my older sista said, "Oh my God. U really do look alike Hana! Especially your eyes, and the nose, and also the lips. And your fat body of course".

*Hana is my little niece. Now she's 4 months and weight 7.8 kilogram (almost 16 pounds!)
what a big baby.
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My Happy Life ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)